USB Safely Remove Full Crack adalah aplikasi yang
dapat Anda gunakan untuk menghentikan proses Removable Disk seperti USB
flasdisk, dan juga Harddisk eksternal dari komputer Anda secara aman dan
- Safely remove in one click!
- Displaying processes which are preventing USB device from being stopped
- Powerful command line support
- 3 methods to stop devices.
- Automatically assigning hotkeys.
- Forbidding stopping any device.
- Customizable names and descriptions for devices.
- Notifications about connecting/disconnecting devices with the help of a balloon tooltip.
- Playing sounds or running external programs when devices are connecteddisconnected.
- Restricting access to the features of the program with a password.
- Loading custom images for devices
- Ability to operate SATA drives
- Support all version Windows (32-bit or 64-bit)
- The program device scanning mechanism was optimized for speed. Now the program scans for hardware changes more quick while loads the system less.
- Correct version info added to all program modules
- The "Apply" button in the options is enabled only if you change some settings
- Bug fixed: Command line "forcedstop" command didn't work
- Some small memory leaks. Fixed, now everything is dry :)
- Bug fixed: The program could hang on device insertion in some cases
- Bug fixed: The "Apply" button in the options may not apply changes in some cases
- Bug fixed: Autorun doesn't run some DOS commands (e.g. pause, net)
- Bug fixed: An error might happen after device settings export
Cara install:
- Setelah program terinstall, exit dari tray icon
- Copy semua file crack ke C:\Program files\USB Safely Remove
- USB Safely Remove + Crack (7.2 MB) [Mirrorcreator] [Directmirror]
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